Prophetic Fire: The Power of Hip-Hop, Media, and Faith

Friday, October 25th | 12 p.m.
Flom Auditorium, Walsh Family Library | Rose Hill Campus

Jesuit Scholastic and FCRH class of 2013 grad, Michael Martinez, S.J. is coming to Fordham once more to share his Prophetic Fire! Come find out how he uses hip hop in ministry and works with new Media. Combining these mediums with his Ignatian Spirituality he lives a faith that does justice and lights a room up. The event features a live performance from and a conversation of faith, hip-hop, and media. 

Check out Michael’s website to see what his Prophetic Fire is all about!

Sponsored by the Francis & Ann Curran Center for American Catholic Studies with support from the Office of Campus Ministry as part of Ignatian Week 2019 |

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Jedi & Jesuits: Explore the Deep Side of a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Thursday, October 24

6 p.m. | 12th-Floor Lounge, Lowenstein Center, Lincoln Center Campus

RSVP for a chance to win great prizes!

Kathryn Reklis Ph.D
Associate Chair of Graduate Studies, Department of Theology

Jack Jenkins
Award-winning journalist 

Jim McDermott, SJ
L.A. based Screenwriter, @PopCulturPriest.

Don’t miss this event and RSVP early for a chance to win a Lightsaber and other great prizes!

RSVP for a chance to win great prizes!

Mass in Celebration of St. Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus

Sunday, October 20

7:00 p.m. | University Church, Rose Hill | Reception to follow

7:30 p.m. | Blessed Rupert Mayer, S.J., Chapel, Lowenstein 221, Lincoln Center | Reception to follow

This Ignatian Week, celebrate St. Ignatius Loyola and Fordham’s living history of Jesuit education at Sunday Mass! On both campuses a reception will follow Mass free T-shirts will be distributed while supplies last.

Questions may be addressed to: (Rose Hill) | (Lincoln Center)

Ignatian Week Schedule!

Saturday, September 29

Day of Service and Solidarity
9:30 am – 3:30 pm | In collaboration with Cristo Rey Harlem at Bronx is Blooming
Register here!

Sunday, September 30 

Mass in Celebration of St. Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus
6:00 pm | Blessed Rupert Meyer, S.J. Chapel, Lincoln Center | Reception to follow
7:00 pm | University Church, Rose Hill | Ice Cream Reception to follow | Hughes Hall Terrace
T-shirt Giveaway at both masses while supplies last!

Monday, October 1

Comets, Craters, and Calendars: Clavius Distinguished Lecture featuring Paul Meuller, S.J.
1:00 – 2:20 pm | Bepler Commons, Rose Hill

Tuesday, October 2

CAB Cinevents Presents The Mission
7:00 pm | McGinley Ballroom, Rose Hill

Wednesday, October 3

Religion and Resistance: Ignatian Spirituality and Social Activism in the Age of Trump
6:00 pm | South Lounge, Lincoln Center

Thursday, October 4

What Matters to Me (and Why) Luncheon Featuring Fordham Staff and Faculty
12:30 – 1:30 pm | South Lounge, Lincoln Center | Featuring Anne Fernald, director of writing and composition at the Lincoln Center Campus, and Debra McPhee, dean of the Graduate School of Social Service
1:00 – 2:00 pm | McGinley 235, Rose Hill | Featuring Dorothy Marinucci, associate vice president for presidential operations, and John Kezel, director of the Office of Prestigious Fellowships
12:45 – 1:45 pm | Room G12, Westchester | Stephen McGowan, recruiter and admissioins associate at the Graduate School of Social Service

Community Engagement Networking Event | The Center for Community Engaged Learning
12:00 – 2:00 pm | Lowenstein Indoor Plaza, Lincoln Center

#GetReel: Embracing Solidarity Creative Arts Festival
7:00 pm | South Lounge, Lincoln Center | Submissions due by Tuesday, October 2
Register here!

Saturday, October 6

Jesuit Schools Football Game: Fordham vs. Georgetown
1:00 pm | Jack Coffey Field

Ignatian Week Events & Raffle!

Ignatian Week is coming!

Ignatian Week celebrates the rich heritage of Fordham’s Jesuit mission and the ways it is alive and thriving at Fordham today.

How does our Ignatian tradition encourage us to envision a more just and loving world?

Attend any or all of the events at the Rose Hill, Lincoln Center, and Westchester campuses to:

  • Reflect on how Ignatian Spirituality can deepen your understanding and engagement with the world,
  • Learn more about who the Jesuits of Fordham are and what the Ignatian tradition can offer each of us, and
  • Engage your Ignatian imagination!

Ignatian Week events participants will be given raffle tickets at each event for a chance to win great prizes including an Amazon Echo, AmEx gift card, Fordham swag, and more.  The more events you attend, the better your chance to win!

Check out the full schedule of Ignatian Week events, which includes a list of how many raffle tickets you receive at each event!


See the full schedule of events for opportunities to engage your Ignatian imagination (and win some great prizes)!

Contact for more information.