Baccalaureate Mass and Senior Blessing

All Seniors are invited to attend the Baccalaureate Mass with your fellow graduates of the Class of 2021.

The Mass will be held on Sunday, May 16th at 5:00 PM in the University Church. Seating is limited and registration is required. (Class of 2021 students only.) Transportation will be provided from Lincoln Center.

Register Here!

There will also be a Blessing for Seniors at the Lincoln Center Mass this Sunday, May 9th at 5 PM. All are welcome!

For the Class of 2021

A Prayer for a New Beginning

From: To Bless the Space Between Us by John O’Donohue

In out-of-the-way places of your heart,

Where your thoughts never think to wander,

This beginning has been quietly forming,

Waiting until you were ready to emerge.

For a long time it has watched your desire,

Feeling the newness growing inside you,

Noticing how you willed yourself on,

Still unable to leave what you had outgrown

It watched you play with the seduction of safety

And the grey promises that sameness whispered

Heard the waves of turmoil rise and relent

Wondered if you would always live like this.

Then the delight, when your courage kindled

And out you stepped onto new ground,

Your eyes young again with energy and dream

A path of plentitude opening before you

Though your destination is not yet clear

You can trust the promise of this opening;

Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning

That is at one with your life’s desire

Awaken your spirit to adventure;

Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk;

Soon you will be home in a new rhythm

For your soul senses the world that awaits you.


COVID Response in India with Catholic Near East Welfare Association

CNEWA is rushing aid to our partners on the ground, to help distribute vaccines, PPE equipment, food and health care. But it is impossible to keep up with the demand. Please give whatever you can to our brothers and sisters in India.  

And we ask that you join us in prayer. The Indian Conference of Catholic Bishops has declared Friday, 7 May 2021, to be a day of prayer and fasting, to seek divine intervention and protection against COVID-19.  

In addition, Pope Francis has called on Catholics around the world to join in praying the rosary during May, asking Our Lady to intercede to bring an end to the pandemic. Our Lady of Good Health, pray for us!”

Click the following link to donate:

Happy Earth Week!

Celebrate Creation!

Earth Day Mass

Thursday, April 22nd at 5:30 PM | University Church Lawn

Please bring a blanket or towel to sit on.

All are invited to come to Earth Day Mass to give thanks for God’s creation and reflect on our role as stewards. Resources will be available after Mass to help you learn more and advocate for those impacted by climate change.

Campus Ministry End of Year Ignatian Reflection and Movement Session

Saturday, April 24th, 11 AM – 1 PM EST

Join in community for a time to smile, move freely, reflect on the year, be environmental stewards, and feel energized!

Zoom ID: 874 1876 0885

Password: Renew

Environmental Resources

21-Day Catholic Environmental Justice Challenge

Ecological Examen

Ignatian Pedagogy for Sustainability

World Wildlife Fund

How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Earth Day Website

Youth Perspective on Environmental Justice and Racism

Holy Week 2021

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord | March 28

Blessed Rupert Mayer, S.J. | Lincoln Center Campus

Palm Sunday Mass – 5 PM

Fordham University Church | Rose Hill Campus

Palm Sunday Mass – 11 AM, 5 PM, 8 PM

Sacred Triduum Liturgies

Fordham University Church – Rose Hill Campus

Holy Thursday | April 1

Mass of the Lord’s Supper – 7 PM

Good Friday | April 2

Commemoration of the Passion of the Lord – 3 PM

Tenebrae Service – 8 PM

Holy Saturday | April 3

Easter Vigil Mass – 8 PM

Easter Sunday | April 4

Fordham University Church – Rose Hill Campus

Easter Sunday Mass – 11 AM, 2 PM

Blessed Rupert Mayer, SJ. – Lincoln Center Campus

Easter Sunday Mass – 5 PM

Lent 2021

Catholic Mass Schedule

Ways to Pray 

Best Lent Ever  – Over Lunch

Step 1: Sign up. Beginning on Ash Wednesday and continuing through all forty days of Lent, you will receive a daily email from Dynamic Catholic with a short video to help you reconnect with yourself and your God. 

Step 2: Join a small group weekly discussion over lunch via Zoom to share experiences on our journey through Lent. Thursdays, 12:30 – 1 pm. MEETING ID: 784 128 2015

Sacred Space – Faculty and Staff  weekly Lenten prayer reflection

Join a weekly 30 minute meeting each Friday throughout Lent at noon, where we will reflect on the readings of the day (

Share the graces of prayer with others during the 40 days of Lent

Join Zoom Meeting

“Leaning into Lent: How This Year Is Different, and Why It Matters.”

Lent, with a focus on liturgical spirituality and the lectionary. 

Wednesday, Feb. 17, 6:30 EST / 5:30 CST

Zoom link to be sent upon registration.

RSVP here:

Social Justice Stations of the Cross

Sponsored by Fordham’s Catholic Relief Service and Campus Ministry 

Walk alongside Christ on the journey of his Passion and remember our brothers and sisters around the world who experience suffering and poverty each day.

A simple soup and bread takeaway will be served afterward on the outdoor church plaza. 

Women Break Open the Word: Stations of the Cross

Each Lent, our Fordham family hears from women in our community as we reflect on the Scriptures together. This year, join seven Fordham women in a journey with Jesus through the Stations of the Cross. Each station will include a Scripture passage and personal reflection. 

Listen at your own pace! Find a playlist with all of the reflections on our YouTube or Spotify pages.

Stations of the Cross: Overcoming Racism

Friday, March 12th at 4 PM in the Chapel or over Zoom at Lincoln Center.

Sunday, March 14th after the 5 PM Mass (around 5:45 PM) in the Chapel or over Zoom at Lincoln Center. (We will use the same Zoom link as the Sunday Mass for this Stations of the Cross)

Walk through the 14 stations in prayer and reflection, acknowledging the sin of racism that is present in our social structures and institutions. Let us reflect this Lent on how we can combat this pressing issue.

Praying in Color

Email for a Lenten Praying in Color Calendar!

Color your square, draw an image, or write a word in each box as you pray and reflect each day.

Join Catholic Student Fellowship on Sunday, March 28 after Mass (around 5:45 PM) to reflect on this praying experience during Lent.

Social Justice Programs

Common Grounds Conversations – hosted by the Pedro Arrupe Volunteers, Center for Community Engaged Learning, Alpha Sigma Nu and Cristo Rey High School

Join via ZOOM Meeting ID: 874 1876 0885 Passcode: Justice

Disparities in Healthcare – Thursday, February 25th at 5:00 pm EST with Dr. Laura Veras Karasek (FCLC 08), Sr. Mary Catherine Redmond PBVM, PA, & Cristo Rey New York High School.

Lenten Forum on Housing Instability – Wednesday, March 3rd at 7:00 pm EST with Jumelia Abrahamson, University Neighborhood Housing Program and Dale Williams, Executive Director of The Midnight Run.

Immigration Justice and Covid 19 – Thursday, March 18th at 5:00 pm EST Learn how Covid-19 has affected and exposed conditions in the Immigrant community in the Bronx, with Jairo Guzman, President, Mexican Coalition. 

Environmental Racism– Thursday, April 15th at 5:00 pm EST, join this discussion with FCLC alum, Sasha George, Esq., who will discuss her work with the EPA and social justice initiatives.

Lenten Yoga

Prayerful Lenten Yoga Session – Thursday, March 18 at 1 pm. Join this 45 minute Ignatian Yoga session focusing on the Lenten experience.

Join Zoom Meeting

Additional Resources for Prayer and Reflection 

Jesuit Prayer provides the daily Scripture reading, an Ignatian reflection, and a short prayer each day through their app, on their website, or by signing up for their daily email. They also offer personal responses to prayer requests; all are remembered in Masses celebrated by the Jesuits.

Growing in Friendship with God this Lent – Pray with these meditations by Fr. William Barry, SJ, for the Wednesdays of Lent, accompanied by a reflection by the dotMagis bloggers.

The Jesuit Conference has put together an Ignatian Guide to Lent — learn about Lent and about Ignatian spirituality through the lived experiences of fellow practitioners in this video series.

Enter into a visual prayer experience this Lent with Arts & Faith: Lent. Each week, provides a video commentary about a work of art inspired by the Sunday Scriptures. Use these videos to take a new look at this season of spiritual renewal through the lens of sacred art.

Steadfast: A Call to Love – During Lent, in these turbulent times, how can we persevere in our work for justice with a steadfast spirit, rooted in love? The Ignatian Solidarity Network is inviting writers from the Jesuit and broader Catholic network to reflect on this question. (This series is also available in Spanish.)

Join Jesuit Refugee Services/USA in their Lenten challenge, 400 Minutes 4 Refugees, by offering moments of your day to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in solidarity with refugees.

Ash Wednesday Masses and Services

February 17, 2021

We will be using the ancient tradition of the church to sprinkle ashes on the crown of the head of the faithful.

Rose Hill:

Masses: 12:05 PM – University Church (No in person attendance)

This mass will be livestreamed only at Not viewable on IPhone or IPad

Ashes will be distributed at the University Church at:

10 am, 1 pm, 3 pm, 5:15 pm, and 8 pm

There will be no prayer services during the distribution of Ashes. Please wear a mask, be socially distant and follow the directions from Public Safety staff.

Lincoln Center:

Mass: 4 PM- BI. Rupert Mayer Chapel, Lowenstein Building, Room 221

Prayer Service: 9:15 AM – BI. Rupert Mayer Chapel, Lowenstein Building, Room 221

Both events are viewable via Zoom at

Note on Ash Wednesday In light of the Pandemic, the minister will sprinkle the blessed ashes on each person’s head, rather than marking them on the forehead. Please note that COVID – related restrictions apply.

For the most up to date announcements follow us on social media


Twitter: @FordhamCM

Facebook: FordhamCampusMinistry

Winter Schedule and Updates

Campus Ministry offices at all campuses are being monitored remotely.
To contact the Rose Hill Campus Ministry Office please email:
To contact the Lincoln Center Campus Ministry Office please email:

For the most up to date information about Campus Ministry offices, Mass schedules, and programming please visit the link here.

Thank a Healthcare Hero for Thanksgiving

For Thanksgiving this year, reach out to the Healthcare workers you know with a card, email or text, and thank them for caring for your community everyday, but especially during COVID-19. Here is a card we created you can print and fill out to show your appreciation! Below is a prayer for all Healthcare Workers:

Blessings for all of the healthcare workers.

We ask for blessings for all of the healthcare workers around the world. Please bless them with the rest they need, time for nutritious meals and good ways to relax and de-stress. Lift their spirits. Help them remember that they are not only saving lives but also saving our spirits by displaying selfless compassion and courage.

We pray for blessings on the families of all of our healthcare workers. Bless them with good health and protection from disease. Provide for all their needs. Comfort them in their times of worry. Be present with them when they feel lonely, isolated and scared. Encourage and hold them up with faith and hope.

We bless every employee with gratefulness and thanksgiving for their service to our community. We ask for blessings on each employee that they may be given the grace to cure sometimes, heal often and comfort and be comforted always.

“Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well”


Feast of Christ the King Mass of Giving Thanks

Solemnity of Christ the King Mass of Giving Thanks: Sunday, November 22nd
Gather to give thanks, rejoice, and worship Christ the King! All are welcome!
This is a special Candlelit Mass to celebrate the end of the semester

Rose Hill: 8:00 PM University Church
Rev. Joseph M. McShane, S.J., Presider
To attend in person, click here to sign up. Join via Livestream here.

Lincoln Center:
5:00 PM, Blessed Rupert Mayer Chapel (Lowenstein 221)
Rev. Damian O’Connell, S.J., Presider
To attend in person, click here to sign up. Join via Zoom here.

Refreshments to follow!

Note: Fordham campuses are currently closed to external guests. If you are enrolled in the University’s VitalCheck system and would like to join us for Mass, we need everyone to do their part and register ahead of time. In order to maintain proper social distancing, the University Church at Rose Hill can only seat 65 persons per liturgy and the Blessed Rupert Mayer Chapel at Lincoln Center can only seat 16 persons per liturgy in the University Church. Thank you!