Walk a Mile in My Shoes: Refugee Simulation Experience


We invite you to join Campus Ministry at Rose Hill or Lincoln Center for an interactive refugee simulation allowing ​members of our community​ to walk through the experience at their own pace. We will have multimedia educational resources spread throughout the space, and students will “walk a mile” in refugees’ shoes on a simulated migrant journey. 
If you have any questions​ or want to discuss sponsorship, promotion, or participation​, contact Gil Severiano at severiano@fordham.edu.

Take the SNAP Challenge!

F​ocused on food justice, the SNAP Challenge is ​an awareness campaign that takes the Lenten concept of fasting and turns​ it​ into an act of solidarity with those who ​rely on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program​ (SNAP) in New York City.  A person ​relying​ on SNAP benefits ​only
has $5.40 to budget a day for food.  On days such as Ash Wednesday, when fasting is part of​ the​ liturgical observance, we think encouraging students to ​spend no more than​ $5.40​, or use 1 meal swipe,​ is a great way to raise awareness about poverty and food justice.
Beginning on ​Thursday, February​ 23​, we will begin tabling in McGinley every weekday until Ash Wednesday to educate students about this issue and encourage them to take the pledge to ​F​ast in ​S​olidarity. The pledge will be written on a banner, which will be hung for people to take photos and post on social media (#snapforSNAP). ​If you or any members of your club are interested in helping us to ​promote this event, or join us while tabling​, please let us know.
​A follow-up​ event will be offered on Wednesday, March 22.  We are seeking volunteers to prepare sandwiches for POTS (local food pantry and community dining room) to distribute, and will end the program with soup and reflection.

Theology UnTapped: Two Nuns Walk into a Bar…

Join Campus Ministry on Thursday, February 24 at 9 pm in the Bronx Beer Hall for a fun and lively discussion led by Sr. Judith Kubicki and Sr. Mary Catherine Redmond.  These two sisters will tell their stories of vocation, faith and love in action, which has led them to lead lives of service! All members of the Fordham community, 21+ are invited to join!

Internship/Volunteer Opportunity at POTS

Part of the Solution (POTS), currently has a need for an volunteer/intern who can help them screen clients in the waiting room to make sure they have the necessary documents. This role would be an enormous help not just for their team, but for their clients themselves–some clients will wait three hours to see a case manager, only to find out they are missing documents and to be sent away to do it all over again. 

 A student in this role would have the chance to gain valuable experience doing social service work at a nonprofit, to learn the ins and outs of SNAP (food stamp program), to do direct service with clients, and to give back to the local community in a lower-time-commitment context than other internships.

The case management hours are 9 am-3 pmMondayWednesday and FridaySaturday. The morning (between 9 am-12 pm) is when they are in most need of a screening intern. POTS is location on Webster Ave, just outside the Rose Hill campus. 

Anyone interested  has questions can email Catherine Larrabee at catherine.larrabee@gmail.com. Thank you!

Masses in Solidarity with Refugees and Migrants: February 6-12

Happening at both Rose Hill and Lincoln Center.

As refugees and migrants around the world continue to navigate the uncertain landscape of the United States travel ban, we will be offering up our prayers for them at Daily and Sunday Masses between February 6th and 12th. Please join us at both the Rose Hill and Lincoln Center campuses to pray and reflect.

University Statement on the Status of Refugees and Immigrants

In response to the presidential administration’s travel ban on refugees from seven Muslim-majority countries, Fr. McShane sent a letter to the Fordham community in support of refugees, immigrants, and undocumented students. We at Fordham Campus Ministry stand in solidarity with this message of tolerance, especially during the sacred season of Lent. The full text of Fr. McShane’s letter is copied below and available at Fordham News. Please feel free to reach out to anyone here in Campus Ministry during this tumultuous time.

Dear Members of the Fordham Family,

As I’m sure you are aware, President Trump’s executive order on refugees and immigration has shocked and unsettled many Americans. Last night a federal judge issued a temporary stay suspending implementation of the order, but to say that the landscape is unsettled for those seeking refuge in the United States would be a vast understatement.

We have identified at least seven students who may be affected by the current order, and we have reached out to them to offer support and advice. While we struggle to understand the shifting legal landscape, we have created an information page that may be of some help: Resources for Undocumented Students (DACA)

Though we do not know the ultimate outcome of the president’s order (nor subsequent orders and legislation), please be assured that Fordham University stands with the tens of thousands of refugees and would-be immigrants affected by these laws. We have a long history as a University of and for immigrants, in a city and a nation built by immigrants.

I know the Fordham Community joins me in keeping the refugees and immigrants of all nations in our thoughts and prayers today.


Joseph M. McShane, S.J.

Read more from the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities here at the Ignatian Solidarity Network.

Upcoming Liturgy Schedule

Please note that this Sunday, January 15, 2017, we will only be celebrating the 11:00 am mass in the University Church–we will not be celebrating the 5:00 PM mass nor 8:00 PM mass. Our regular Liturgy schedule will resume the following Sunday, January 22, 2017. For more information about our Liturgy, visit our webpage: http://www.fordham.edu/info/26118/liturgical_ministry/101/liturgy_schedule.


We are looking forward to seeing everyone soon and we are excited for the upcoming semester!

Gaudete Sunday

A hallmark of the Fordham Advent season is our annual Gaudete Sunday celebration. Gaudete means “rejoice” in Latin, and our Gaudete Sunday Mass and Tree Lighting is the perfect time to rejoice before settling into finals period.


Gaudete Sunday at Rose Hill will begin at 7:00 pm and include Mass celebrated by Fr. McShane at the University Church, a tree and menorah lighting, and a reception with snacks in Bepler Commons. If you’re at the Lincoln Center Campus, head over to Blessed Rupert Mayer, SJ, Chapel at 7:00 pm for Mass!

Faith and Film: Posada

Are you interested in the immigration crisis? Causes for children? Come watch the moving documentary Posada which tells the stories of unaccompanied immigrant children from Mexico. Learn about their journeys, and the traditional Mexican Advent processions “Las Posadas”. Join us on Wednesday, December 7th at 6 pm in the Ignatius Room to watch and discuss. 

Advent is the perfect time to reflect on our journeys: in faith, in love, and in life. By reflecting on the journeys of immigrants and refugees, we open our hearts to the spirit of the season.
